Friday, May 20, 2005

Death wish...

Yesterday, I watched Final Destination, a 'horror' movie...well, I won't know if you could call it that. You see it was more about dying than the 'after-death'. :) Know what I mean? Having said that it wasn't also a slasher movie. But there WERE a lot of youngsters dying all over the place. The theme was this - Death happens.No matter what, no matter where. And it's really weird how they die. It seems so...donno, justified? One is ironically killed by an air bag, another almost chokes in a dentist's chair, a third is severed from his respirator, and so on, although strange things do happen in real life, some scenes were a little hard to stomach.

We always discuss dying like it were some joy-ride all of us are gonna take one fine day. Don't know, maybe it might turn out to be just that (in case we fall off that roller-coaster), but it has been a topic that's always intrigued me. What would it really be? I've imagined the different ways in which I could die. I mean, final destination was literally a 'death catalogue' if there ever was one; left me with very few choices after I watched it. But I guess death is the only experience that we won't live to tell about. Hmmm...that brings me to the topic of 'after-death'...maybe some other day.


Anonymous said...

Hey there :) ...thought provoking....

phatichar said...

Thanks angel

Sudipta Chatterjee said...

Actually, everybody is supposed to know how to live, and so death sells. I mean, it is news (or maybe worth making a movie) only become someone dies. Death almost always spurns detective novels, it triggers the great movies, it is the basis of so many preachings (like, "You are sure to go to hell if you do this").. and so on. This one was good; will wait for your after-death post.

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